Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Blogs on Online Journalism

Check out two of the blogs dealing with online journalism.

Online Journalism Blog: it publishes comment, analysis and links covering online journalism and online news, citizen journalism, blogging, vlogging, photoblogging, podcasts, vodcasts, interactive storytelling, publishing, Computer Assisted Reporting, User Generated Content, searching and all things internet.

Journalism Enterprise: the site is the sister site of the blog mentioned above and it reviews websites that are attempting to make money from journalism in the new media age. That may be a mainstream organisation launching a new media spin-off, an internet startup looking to make millions, a non-profit news venture, or an entrepreneur setting up a solo project.


Paul Bradshaw said...

Thanks for the plug! I wondered if you would be interested in writing an introduction to/overview of online journalism in Slovenia on the Online Journalism Atlas wiki? It's at http://onlinejournalismatlas.pbwiki.com/ where you'll find examples from other countries.

Igor Vobič said...

I will check it out. Thank you for the comment and information ... If you wish post your oppinion under the posts ... You are more than welcomed.